Access bulk funding payments when you need it

  • Does not affect existing banking
  • Pay only as you use facility
  • Extremely easy to apply
  • No setup cost or obligation to use
  • Minimal paperwork

What to do

Just fill the form below and upload the asked for documents, and we do the rest. After our review, we’ll contact you and explain all key terms, and then advance you your requested funds.

Subsequent funding applications is a 2-minute process. One very simple online form. It’s so easy and nothing like a trading bank.

You only incur costs when you drawdown funds.

We work our best to advance you funding on the same day you apply.

Apply Here for Funding

New Customers

No setup cost, no obligation to use, and no change to existing banking.

After we receive your submitted form we’ll make contact to make sure you understand the process and all in’s and out’s.

Protect your centre against uncertain lumpy cash flows.

Complete this form or call me on 0800 Daycare (0800 432-9227). I’d welcome hearing from you.

Kind regards, Lena.

How to get your MyIR tax summary

Go to

Log in with your MyIR password.

Screenshot/snip the Summary page to show GST, Income Tax, and Payroll summaries.

Upload this to our form.

Don’t forget the direct debit form

Click here to get the direct debit authority and post to level 1, 11 Alma Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. We need to receive this before we can advance funds.

Please note: This form is for new customer. If you are returning customers, use the application form on this page.
If using a Mac please use Google Chrome web browser.

Loan application

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Borrower details

MOE Funding

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Documents to upload

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.


    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Direct debit form